
Mission and Values

"Live, love and learn in God's way"

As a Catholic school community with Christ at its centre, St Joseph's seeks to bear witness to the Catholic faith, which is the foundation and inspiration of all its endeavours

We have a shared vision which encompasses the good of every person within the school community and wish to ensure that each person is enabled to achieve his/her potential in all areas of life - spiritual, emotional, physical and academic.

We readily welcome children from all denominations and faiths and currently the school has a healthy balance of children and families covering all sectors of our community.

A child's education begins from the moment he or she enters the world. As teachers we join parents as partners in a process in which they are already the main agents. We believe that a good school is an extension of a good home, building upon the care and values that a good home provides.

In broad terms, primary education is concerned with the development of children intellectually, socially, physically, morally and spiritually; so that they can lead full and useful lives both now and later.